Welcome to Kerfuffle! -- a weekly freeform radio show hosted by Alex Michaelson on WMFO. The WMFO run has ended, so for the time being, this page serves to archive the show and provide a link to future content.
Click here to listen to the final Kerfuffle presentation, "An Aggregation of Inspiration."
Past Kerfuffle-exclusive interviews and segments have included the following (musical group names in bold):
Avey Tare; Animal Collective
Kristian Mattsson; The Tallest Man on Earth
Sean Carey; s.carey, Bon Iver
Zach Gehring; MAE
Dave Elkins; MAE
Fred Mascherino; Terrible Things, Taking Back Sunday
India Adams
Ritchie Blackmore, Candice Night; Blackmore's Night (Ritchie Blackmore formerly of Deep Purple and Rainbow)
Julia Torgovitskaya; iCadenza, Cadenza Artists
Daniel Layus; Augustana
Jim McCarty; The Yardbirds, Renaissance
Spencer Livingston; The Alternates
Beach Fossils - Dustin Payseur, John Pena, Zachary Cole Smith, Tommy Gardner
Angel Deradoorian; Dirty Projectors, Deradoorian
Kurt Vile; Kurt Vile and the Violators
Paul Hansen and Adam Sankowski; The Grownup Noise
Anna Rochinski; Quilt
Tom Marks, Scott Pioro; Goodbyemotel
Kelle Rhoads; Kelle Rhoads Classical, Randy Rhoads Tribute
Austin Tufts; Braids
Adam Remnant; Southeast Engine
Tad Piecka; Petrychor, Beware of Safety, Tremolite, The Lowercase West
Bob Boilen; NPR / All Songs Considered
Peter Lyon
Brian Wenckebach; Elika
Hiroyuki Maezawa; K-On (songwriter)
Bradford Cox; Deerhunter
Elizabeth Shepherd; The Elizabeth Shepherd Trio
Wyatt Stone
K-Go Mizutani; Honeydew
Ben Crane
John Fanning; The Loom
Emilio Castillo; Tower of Power
Matt Frazier; Local Natives
Duane Levi (Shalestone Music; Kansai Music Conference)
Hiro, Riot Dance Party
Paul Dempsey; Something For Kate, Paul Dempsey Solo
Brian Barthelmes; Tallahassee
Tom Melesky
Katie Couric; CBS Evening News
Nic Offer; !!!
John Dieterich; Deerhoof
Dave Drago
Davina Robinson
Jon Lynch (Juice Magazine, Japan Music Week)
Yuki Chikudate; Asobi Seksu
Doris Cellar; Freelance Whales
Rinko, Yuzuru; Molice
Alex Bleeker, Real Estate
Freelance Whales
Will Wiesenfeld; Baths, Geotic, Post-Foetus
Tom Culver
The Luyas - Pietro Amato, Jessie Stein, Mathieu Charbonneau
Larry Bacow (President of Tufts University)
How can radio be an interactive catalyst for wonder? What is the radio DJ in the 21st century?
In the contemporary age, we are bombarded constantly by media from all angles. With the rise of New Media and social media, the user became the king of content, but it soon became apparent that we would need nodes of culture to concentrate interests and ideas, bringing people together into communities and groups. In the case of radio, commercialization has inundated most of the industry, taking advantage of the passive yet intimate listening experience that is radio, rendering this submissive exercise in active absorption less and less stimulating, creating thoughtless filler. In radio, the DJ takes control and leads the listener. The listener may contribute, but there is power in the solitude of the studio, and a good DJ will recognize that power and that opportunity to stimulate, facilitate, interpret, and disseminate good.
Kerfuffle! is Eclectic Freeform Radio, presenting insightful, stimulating, uncanny, interactive, internationally-minded culture and music in an interactive format, with frequent guests, interviews, and special presentations. The focus is new music. Expect to hear the very latest tracks, interviews with up-and-coming artists, information and reviews of Boston local shows, and live on-air unplugged sets. Check the Archive page for details on Kerfuffle guests.
Explore the site by using the links above, and be sure to check the archive page for information about past shows and guests.